The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, JANUARY 15, 1956 BIRD CLUBS HERE COMPLETE CENSUS; LIST 50 SPECIES Results Have Been Sent to National Audubon Socicty The final tabulatio: for the Christmas census conducted jointly by the Allen Bird Club of Springfield and the Holyoke Bird Club on Jan. 2 has been completed and the results forwarded to the National Audubon Socie. in New York City. This is an annual consus taken throughout the country for the purpose of obtaining fig. ures from which a study of the migratory habits of the birds is made.

Each group is a assigned a 10-mlle circle to cover. In Massachusetts, there are 15 to 20 such circles. In former years, Aaron Bagg, of West Springfield has handied the alone with the help of one or two other birders, covering only the territory immediately adjacent to the Connecticut River. This year under the leadership of Raymond Longley and Richard Ballman of the Allen Bird Club, a 15-milc circle centered one mile west of Pine Point in Springfield was searched from 7 a. m.

to 1 p. m. The weather was clear; temperature 1 degree to degrees, wind 4 to 9 miles per hour. The ground was bare, ponds frozen, and the of' river with open pools. A total 11 observers in 13 parties put in 7S party hours covering 103 party miLes (95 on font.

310 by car). The census totaled 50 species with 8191 individual birds counted The Northampton area reported 47 while Greenfield found 38 species. The count and the different species were as follows: Black Duck Ruffed Grouse 4. Canada Goose 7 (feral), Iceland Gull 1, Wood Duck 2, Am Merganser 188, -shafted Flicker 1, Tufted Titmouse 1, Common Goshawk 1, Herring Gull Pintail 1, Ring-billed Gull 2, Bald Eagle 3, Pheasant 11, Blue Jay 387, Carolina Wren 1, Purple Grackle 5. Red-tailed Hawk 1.

Red-shouldered Hawk 2. Sparrow Hawk 11. Mallard Duck 150 (many feral), Am. Golden-eye 2, Mourning Dove 1, Hairy Woodpecker 25. Am.

RobIn 2, Eastern Meadowlark 6, Evening Grosbeak Downy Woodpecker 39, White-breasted, Nuthatch 31, Purple Finch 41. Eastern Towhee 1, Song Sparrow 37. Black-capped Chickadce 218. Golden-crowned Kinglet 2. Horned 24, Gray Shrike 3.

-throated Sparrow 33. Pine Grosbeak 3, Slate-colored Junco 242, Belted Kingfisher 3, Red-breasted Nuthatch 5, LoggerAm. Cheikesdo House Sparrow head Swamp Sparrow 1, Am. Goldfinch 9, Am. Tree Sparrow Pileated Woodnecker 1.

Brown Creeper 8. The Christmas count participants were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Arthur Avery, Mr.

Richard L. Ballman, Mrs. Fred A. Barth. Mr.

and' Mrs. Moreton R. Bates. Mrs. Margaret Blake, Mrs.

Guy H. Brackett, Sir. Benedict G. Breitung, Miss Eva A. Brown, Miss Myrtie E.

Brown, Miss Natalie Clark, Miss Ruth Clifford. Mr. James Councill, Airs. William T. Duncan, Mr.

and Mrs. Kenneth Eaton, Miss Mary Field, Mrs. John W. Frisbie, Mrs. Lillian Gansauge, Mrs.

Robert W. Gere. Mr. George Hamel, Mrs. W.

O. Max J. Keltz, Mr. Harvey, Mr. Fred Johnson, Airs: mond Labonte, Miss Lois Longley, Dr.

Raymond I. Longley, Miss Mabel A. Potter, Miss Aucusta D. Robinson. Sir.

Howard W. Schold, Mr. Rudolph Stone, Miss Olga Thyberg, Miss Gladys C. Todd, Mr. William L.

Tompking, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Trombla, Miss Mildred A. Tyler, Miss Florence B.

Wight, Miss Florence G. Wood. 46 Steps Needed To Produce Old Nuernberg Angel Nuernberg-Forty-six separate processes are needed to make the tinsel angel of for years a symbol of Christmas in Germany. The gold-lcaf ornament is said to date back 300 years to a Nuernbers, doll just maker before who Christ- lost mas. In fits grief he modeled an Angel to which he gave the child's features and clothes of gold leaf.

Placed at the top of the Christma3 tree. the angel is A chubbyfaced, rosy and blondhaired figure with a Scarf of 'zilttering gold thread and a pleated dress with a multicol-10 ored apron. Science Backed New York -Free enterprise In the United States is the world's largest sponsor of science, says yearend statement by Dr. Paul Schwarzkopf, president of American Electro Metal Yonkers, N. Y.

He said that since the end of oWrid War IT, private industry has spent $11,130.000.000 scientific research and that today, 5000 industrial organizations employ 300,000 scientists. "It is my belief," Schwarzkopf said, "that research will revolutionize our entire economy within the next 10 years, open a venues, and create new industries, with thousands of new enterprises and millions of new jobs for skilled workers, engineers and scientists." Original Employees The Union Trust Co. is brating its 50th anniversary in the banking business in Springfield. William H. Haskins, vicepresident, and Frank Crothers, chief teller, are the only two priginal employers, both having joined the in 1906.

Prosperous Year by, U. S. Chemical Industry New York--The year 1956 will be a year of almost unparalleled prosperity for the chemical industry, Chemical Weck, McGraw Hill publication, predicts in its current issue. In a forecast for each aspect of the industry, the magazine says the year ahead should be by continued hoom conditions in sales, earnings and expansion. Period of Gain The next 12 months should be a period in which the great majority of firms register a 15 per cent gain in 15-20 cent increase in profits, after taxes; and raise capital expenditures close to all-time records.

Only in the race 'to get new production capacity into operation should there be cause for wrinkled brows. U. S. economy for the next several years will be paced by raw material shortages- -more than any other factor--and the shortages will be both a blessing and a burden to chemical management. consensus among producers consumers the over-all well as 1936 supply-demand situation this way: Few chemical users expect any difficulty in obtaining all they need all the time.

Most producers anticipate A tough, albeit more profitable. selling year. It conceded too, that prices. despite the more lively competition for markets, will continue upward. Many are going up in the first quarter, and additional advances are expected at the three-quarter mark.

Machine Tools Up New York. iP-Machine tool sales in 1956 probably will exceed those of 1955 won't reach the totals of defense emergency years, says the National Machine Tool Builders' Association in a yearend statement. It estimated 1955 shipments at 660 million dollars against millions in 1931 and nearly billions 1953, when the full impact of' the Korean defense program was felt in the machine tool industry. Confident Living By NORMAN VINCENT PEALE (Minister of New York's Marble Collegiate Church) THE DESIRE Some time ago F4 met an agency. As you know, such an debts from business firms and of the delinquents, usually on a Now I have always though be the type of men who get a kind other people.

But I was wrong been wrong about most of the collection man told me that he and to helping people. Explain, Business I suppose I looked startled because he went on to explain way of doing business. He would call on A man whose account with A department store, let us say, was long overdue and have A talk with him. "This is what owe, he would say, together let's try to find a way to do something about it." Then the debt-ridden man would begin to explain, perhaps, that he had an extravagant wife, his children had been that there in "the family. "I'm absolutely swamped with bills." was a frequent frus-1 trated explanation.

"I have no respect for myself any more, and I know that other. have no respect either. I'm sick about it all." After he had given the unhappy opportunity to pour out this woes, the collection agent would suggest: "What do you say-let's put the whole matter on the table and pray about it. Let's ask the Lord what to do about these debts." Willing to Pray This would usually 'so startle the debtor that he would be willins to pray. Then the agent would on: sce.

now. What is your salary? What are your assets, as small as they may be? Let's organize things so that by paying off a little each week you'll ultimately get out from under. We'll get in touch with vour creditors and tell them they can something regularly. even if it's only a little. Using this system, we can get you out of financial trouble sooner than you think." The agent grinned at me.

"You ought to see the change in a man BRIDGES KUSHNER These two hands are from the Rhode Island Team of Four event held last Sunday at the Narragansett Hotel in Providence. The first hand was played very well by both Declarers. each in a different manner. SQUEEZE NORTH 4 863 0 A 762 0 5 4 K965 WEST EAST 9 4 4 10 2 Q9843 05 KJ 109843 J843 3 Q7 2 SOUTH A Q5 0 10 AQ762 4 A 10 North dealer, T.N.T. none system.

vulnerable, North East South West pass 1 NT pass pass 0 NT pass 3NT pass pass pass the r. T.N.T. North-South system in were which playing an opening one no trump bid is made with or more honor tricks and 7 or more honor cards regardless of distribution. The two diamond response by North shows about honor tricks but denies holding a biddable major suit with four playing tricks. West led the spade 9 covered by the and to South's A.

The heart was played and then the heart covered by the to North's A. The spade 3 was played and, when East put in the 2, South played the 5 which held the trick as West played the 4. Dummy was entered with the club and the diamond finesse to the was taken by West's K. Thus Declarer mae just 9 tricks for the contract. At the other table in this team of four competition, the contract was the same but West led a heart to South's 10.

The spade A and were played as West dropped the 9 and East won with the East returned the diamond 10 and again South did not guess correctly as he put in the to West's K. West returned the diamond which was allowed to hold. At this point West is end played. He came out with a small club. Declarer took his A over East's and returned the at once.

When' West played low Declarer allowed this to hold the tricks. The heart w'as played as West covered with the to North's A. East starts to feel the squerze. He must discard a diamond i in order to retain the two spades. Now A heart' is returned to Declarer's and East is squeezed.

If he discards A spade, Dummy will make the spade and 8. If he discards a diamond. Declarer will make the diamond A and the long diarionds. He discarded a diamond and Declarer took the balance of the tricks to make 10 tricks and win the point. UNORTHODOX BIDDING NORTH J934 A 0 K54 WEST FAST A 3 876 0 10 9 00432 10 2 A 876 7632 4 9 8 SOUTH 10 QJ953 East dealer, all vulnerable East South West North pass pass 1 double 2 2 pass pass pass pass The bidding by South of two spades with just three in the suit is rather unusual but South was fairly certain that North must hold four spades when he doubled the opponent's heart bid.

Usually good pairs will have four of the other major suit when an opponent's bid is doubled and this bid is a major suit. Since South had three honors in spades he decided that he must show this holding at the two level rather than diamonds which would have to be at the three level. This bid worked out very well as North jumped to four spades. West led the heart to North's A. The diamond was played to East's A.

The heart was followed by a third heart which Declarer trumped with the 10. The spade was played and allowed to hold the trick. The spade was taken by West's A and a fourth heart played which Dummy trumped with the 9. Fortunately the spade picked up East and West as Declarer lost only three tricks to the spade heart and diamond A to make 10 tricks. Played at the other table, the bidding proceeded in like manner until it was South's turn to bid over two hearts.

He bid three diamonds at which suit the contract was played, making 10 tricks for a part score. (Mr. Kushner's articles appear in the Springfield Daily Nows Monday through Friday KING'S INN of PALMER MASS. "HOME of SPORTSMEN" Invites The Public To Participate In The 1st ANNUAL ICE FISHING DERBY AT BEAVER LAKE, WEST WARE SUNDAY, JAN. 22, 1956 CASH.

PRIZES FOR CATCHES BRING YOUR OWN REFRESHMENTS ENTRANCE FEE $1.00 REGISTRATIONS MUST I BE FILED IN PERSON OR BY MAIL AT KINGS INN, PALMER ON OR BEFORE JAN. 21, 1956 "FISH THE LAKE WHERE THE RECORD- BREAKING SMALL MOUTH WAS CAUGHT ON JAN. WEIGHING 15 PUBLIC IS INVITED TO REGISTER NACA Speaker WILLIAM A. SCHAN William A. Schan; who recently resigned as commissioner of corporations and taxation for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, will be the the regular monthly spenceling of Springfield Chapter, National Association of Cost Accountants in the Iotel Shelton: Wednesday.

Mr. Schan will take as his subject "The Taxpayer's Part in Good Tax Administration." He was selected in 1953 to become the head of the state department. Mr. Schan is a member of the Boston Chamber of Commerce, American Institute of Accountants, Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Massachusetts Society of Certified Public Accountants. William WV.

Johnston, a partner in Scovell, Wellington Company, Springfield will be the meeting chairman. SALUSTRI NAMED MANAGER OF STORE WALTER V. SALUSTRI Walter V. Salustri. a registered pharmacist, has been appointed manager of the new Parker Drug Store in the Sixteen Acres Shopping Center.

For the last eight years he has been employed as a pharmacist at the Fort Pleasant Pharmacy, which also is owned by Louis H. Sclwitz. A graduate of Classical High School in 1935 and Western Massachusetts School of Pharmacy in 1940, his education was interruptArmy service. He served as at an Italian prisoner of war camp in Now York and saw service with the Medical Corps in the Pacific before being discharged in 1910 as technical sergeant. He resumed his studies at AIC from which he was graduated in 1944.

FOR ESTEEM amazing man who runs A collection organization takes over uncollected gets as much money as possible out commission basis. that people in this business must of sad*stic pleasure from badgerabout this man--and 110 doubt I've others too. For. surprisingly, this had dedicated his business to God old friend of mine, had a homey and very sound philosophy of life, together with the gift of simple and potent expression. I was constantly surprised and enlightened by his insights.

Once I heard him tell A boy. "To respect yourself and be respected, simply live up to your The more you think of it. that bit of advice has the earmark of real wisdom. Do that. and you can look yourself and everyone else in the face.

the person who truly earns hind own personal teem is very likely to have the respect of others also. the minute he begins to pay up. Before long he gets A new selfrespect. Seeing an out from his troubles, he keeps at it and soon his bills will have been cut by 50 per cent, and he becomes sure then that he'll have them all cleaned up eventually. When there is.

say, only 25 per cent left, start asking if people are beginning, to have respect for can honestly tell him they do, because people always respect a sincere and systematic person who is trying to solve his problems." Personally I'm always thrilled by people who use their religion in such a practical manner in their daily work, especially those who see in it the opportunity to help persons in need. This lection agent told me. "Every human heing has the desire for self-respect and the respect and esteem of others. I like to think I can help restore self-esteem to those who have lost it, and the regard of their fellow men as well." Deep Desire It is indeed true that one of the deepest desires of human nature is to be well thought of, respected and loved. Whenever you hear anyone say, "I don't care what other people think about you can put fit down as a foolish and unrealistic statement.

We do care profoundly what others think of us. Lincoln, in his first speech to the voters of Sagamon County said, "I have no other ambition so great as that being truly esteemed by my fellow men." Nor is the method for gaining esteem A complicated one. An upstate Now York farmer, an DEVICE SAID TO ADD LIFE TO TV TUBES Chicago Now available for your television set or radio is an easily attached electronic, gadget to absorb the surge of power that goes through the tubes each time the set is turned on. By relieving this strain, the device reportedly makes tubes last up to nine times as long as usual. MONUMENT FOR EXPLORER Memphis--Lewis National Mon- ument, in Tennessee, commemorates the death and burial place of the leader of the first expedition to the Pacific Northwest.

Industry accounts for 30 per cent of Algeria's annual income. WINTERIZE" Your Power Lawn Mower If you haven't already done so, here are three steps to prepare your power mower for winter storage and insure good spring performance, according to authorities from the Jacobsen Manufacturing Company, manufacturers of power lawn tools, After cleaning the engine, chains, reels and deckDrain gasoline from the tank by removing the fuel line. Start the engine to remove any remaining fuel. Gasoline left in the tank over winter may become stale, resulting in gumming of the carburetor. Remove the spark plug, squirt a few drops of oil in the spark plug hole and pull the starter through once or twice.

The spark plug should then be cleaned and replaced in the engine. The final stage in the winterizing of your power mower is to cover the machine to protect it from dust and from "adjustments" by children playing near it. Weidenmiller Magovern Co. "We Service What We Sell" 404 Main St. (at Locust St.) Tel.

RE 3-6638 Bishop Sheen Writes By BISHOP FULTON J. SHEEN of the power of man; the atom. Neither has thought built Babel, and the confusion destroyed Hiroshima and threatmen live in fear of their The two fears are different: is the servile fear of being the fear we ought to have has for a loving Father. the waterfall, nor in the of the earth. All our machines have "received" power, converted from something else, and out receiving power our machines stand idle.

Shut off the electric power from a city, and clocks will stop and in houses cannot be cooked, music heard. news communicatfood would cool and we grope around in the darkness. Power from outside, from God, which is freely there we did but recognize our weakness and our need for A sail boat can cross to the side of the bay the wind there, the sails are there, but need to be hoisted, and the ing is a recognition of the to receive. Once the sails are the kiss of the wind, power is "given" if it but nizes that the sufficiency is from within. As the wind fills the sails is greater than sails and blows over all the titudinous seas, SO the which comes from God is for all humans if the sians and the Americans and French and the English refuse hoist their hollow little souls, we shall go on battling one er with our mastheads.

To change the figure, We but watches with a broken spring; we shake the watch, and push and rattle one another, but we cannot get the time rest and peace. The watch be fixed by a Watchmaker outside: SO must our hearts be fixed by someone than one who jostles us as if were Mexican jumping Then we can do all things in Who strengthens us. The kangaroo family has than 50 members ranging the foot-long muskyrat kangaroo to the seven foot red and grey's. POWER IS NOT FROM OURSELVES The nineteenth century boasted twenticth century of the power of the Power of God. The power of man of tongues; the power of the atom ens to destroy the earth.

As a result, lowman and not in fear of the Lord. the fear we have of our fellowman stroyed, such as a slave of a tyrant; God is the filial fear, such as a son Blinded Us This manifestation of Babel Power and Atom Power has actually' blinded us to our own weakness. We are like dinosaurs with great and tremendous bodies but with tiny little heads that cannot cope with our environment and are in danger of perishing. As we have gained control over the have lost control over ourselves; capable of caused; ing great destruction without, we have become blind to the contradiction within our own minds and hearts. Did We but see the is world situation aright, we would sec that all the contradictions at the UN and the contrarictics of er petty little squabbles all over the globe arc but the projection of the contradictions inside our own breast.

Conflicts with huns are nothing but the externalization of conflicts within ourselves in which we torn between an instinct '10 rise higher and an instinct to let ourselves go and follow the path of least resistance. An animal is normally happy in its en ironment. A squirrel is happy in a tree nuts; so is a monkey happy with coconuts; a cow is contented in green pastures. but the dairyman is not happy with all his tin cans and milk bottles and cream separators. do little mink is as happy as A mink can be his natural habitat, but the woman who said "she would give anything own a mink' is not made happy on the inside--not even for 10 minutes, if her neighbor has a better one.

Poverty of Soul The sad psychological fact is that the greater our power in one direction, whether it be riches or prestige, the more likely it is to increase our weakness in direction. Hov7 often the amassing of distinction in the sphere of wealth blinds the possessor to the poverty of his soul. The explanation is to be found in the fact that we have forgotten that our sufficiency is not from ourselves; that for our souls and minds and spirits we need A power the outside which comes from God gratis-only we have to ask for it and want it. All nature suggests that we have to find power and use it; but we do not create it. We did not create power in the atom, nor in SHIRTS LAUNDERED 5-HR.


SINCE WAR HI the of fel- deof bowels with- most many would power given, it. othis they hoistneed lifta recognot that the mulpower there Rusthe to then anoth- are jostle for must from broken other we beans. Him more from g1 eati Washington--Since the end of World War the number of serious crimes has climbed 62.7 per cent in the United State: compared with a population increase of only 21.3 per cent in the same period. According (O the Justice Department, crime is running at the rate of one burglary for every 17 homes in the nation and one arrest for an offense more serious than a tratfic violation for every 15 sons. BUILDING BOARD MADE OF WHEAT-RYE STRAW Stockholm Swedish buildingproducts manufacturers have made a construction board ot pressed wheat-and-rye straw and have built 10 houses with the material.

The residences are now on display in a housing area outside Stockholm. Five-room galows made of the material, including cost of the lot and such equipment as electric refrigerators, are to be sold for about $8500 each. MEATS LAND 585 Columbus Ave. SO. END SHOPPING CENTER Parking 300 Cars 30 EASTERN AVE.



on Jan. 25th BE GLAD YOU DID! Class Starts HOLYOKE, MASS. on Jan. 27th 10 Things Course the Will Dale Help You Carnegie De Speak Effectively Class Starts Conquer Fear NORTHAMPTON, MASS. on Jan.

31st. Increase Develop Your Self-Confidence Income "Sell" Yourself and Your MAIL COUPON OR PHONE FOR FREE INFORMATION Ideas Improve Your Ability to TO R. member Names NAME Increase Your Ability to THOMAS F. BURKE Deal with People SPONSOR STREET Win More Friends 52 Hendrick St. Improve Your Personality Tel.

Chicopee LYceum Falls, 2-2191 Mass. CITY Prepare for Leadership.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

Address: Apt. 156 12935 Runolfsdottir Mission, Greenfort, MN 74384-6749

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Job: Corporate Administration Planner

Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.