Fast Facts:
- Pronunciation: ah-NEW-bis
- Origin: Egyptian
- Role: God of embalming
- Symbol: Jackal
- Parents: Nephthys and Osiris
- Child: Kebechet
- Other Names: Yinepu, Anpu
Who Is Anubis?
In Egyptian mythology, Anubis was the original god of the dead. But as Anubis was worshipped by more followers, Osiris took over his role while Anubis had a more direct role guiding the souls of the deceased.
Known as the jackal-god of mummification, Anubis was responsible for making sure the journey to the underworld went smoothly for man. He was considered the inventor of embalming and had several important functions.
First, he overlooked the embalming of deceased bodies. Embalming isn’t simple work and Anubis ensured it was done correctly. He also received each mummy and would quickly perform both the Opening of the Mouth ceremony and ritual of conducting the soul in the Field of Celestial Offerings. He also oversaw the Scales of Truth, which protected the deceased from eternal death and deception.
Many believed that Anubis would both physically and spiritually guard their tombs. The Egyptians believed that the bodies of deceased needed to be preserved for the afterlife and Anubis played a large role in their beliefs.
Anubis came to be known during the third millennium BC as the god of the dead. He ruled the underworld and decided the fate of the deceased. As time went on, Anubis’ daily responsibilities changed.
Osiris took over ruling the underworld and managing those entering the afterlife while Anubis became a more specialized god. He became a psychopomp and guided the souls of the newly deceased to the underworld. He presided over the area between the living world and the underworld, making sure that spirits were never left behind.
Legends and Stories
As one of the most famous Egyptian gods, there are many stories surrounding Anubis. Here are a couple, one about his birth and the other about his role in Egyptian mythology.
The Birth of Anubis
Anubis’ mother was the goddess Nephthys. She tricked her brother Osiris into fathering the child. Her husband, Set, was furious about the affair and vowed to kill the child as soon as he was born. Nephthys did what she had to do to protect Anubis and hid him in marshes near the Nile River. Isis, Osiris’ wife, found the baby and raised him as her own. Once Anubis was grown, he repaid Isis by protecting her.
Osiris took Anubis with him on many adventures. When Set murdered Osiris as revenge for having relations with his wife, he separated Osiris’ body into several pieces and scattered them throughout the land. Anubis helped Isis find the body pieces and embalmed the body so that it wouldn’t decay. This was the first act of embalmment. He also performed the first Egyptian burial rites over Osiris.
Other myths suggest that Set was Anubis’ father. The myths say that Nephthys disguised herself as Isis. This version is sometimes accepted because of Set’s dark side, which would go along with Anubis’ responsibilities.
Yet another version claims that Anubis was the son of Ra and Nephthys. This was the earliest explanation but it is now mostly accepted that Nephthys and Osiris were Anubis’ biological parents.
The Roles of Anubis
Anubis had several rolls as the god of death. He was the Guardian of the Scales, which gave him the power to decide the fate of souls. He would weigh the heart of the deceased against the weight of a feather. The feather symbolized truth. If the scale tipped in favor of the heart, the person would be consumed by a female demon named Ammit. But if the scale tipped in favor of the feather, Anubis would lead the deceased to Osiris so that they could enter heaven.
Anubis also oversaw embalming and mummification. His daughter, Kebechet, would often assist him during the mummification process. Ancient Egyptians would cover the bodies of their dead with herbs ad plants because they believed Anubis would sniff the bodies before mummifying them. Anubis also performed the Opening of the Mouth ceremony, which would allow the deceased to be able to talk and eat in the afterlife.
Another role of Anubis can still be seen today. He was responsible for protecting the dead. Many prayers to the god have been found carved into tombs. This would eventually fall under Osiris’ responsibilities but many believed that Anubis still protected the dead after the transition of power.
Anubis was the son of Osiris and Nephthys. His consort was Anput and together they had Kebechet and according to some myths, Ammut.
In artistic representations, Anubis is portrayed as half jackal and half man. He is usually holding the divine scepter. Sometimes he is shown as a black jackal or other times as a dog next to Isis. His symbol is usually included in his pictures, a black and white ox-hide covered in blood hanging from a pole. Historians do not know the meaning behind the symbol.
There are many symbols associated with Anubis, more than most gods. First, as previously mentioned, the ox-hide hanging from the pole is his main symbol though no one knows what it means. The other main symbol he is associated with is the jackal. Jackals are known to stay near tombs and graves, which is one of the reasons the Egyptians began to make tombs.
Anubis is also associated with embalming equipment as he is credited with inventing the technique.
Known as the jackal-god of mummification, Anubis was responsible for making sure the journey to the underworld went smoothly for man. He was considered the inventor of embalming and had several important functions. First, he overlooked the embalming of deceased bodies.
Is Anubis the god of embalming? ›
Anubis was the Egyptian deity of cemeteries and embalming as well as the protector of graves. As with any other culture or religion around the world, the Egyptians believed in paying respect to their dead.
Why did Anubis embalm Osiris? ›
Anubis helped Isis bring her husband back to life again after Set had killed him. He embalmed the body of the god, swathed it in the linen cloths that had been woven by the twin goddesses, Isis and Nephthys, making sure that the body would never decay or rot.
Was Anubis good or bad? ›
In world mythology, gods of death are often associated with evil. However, this wasn't the case for Anubis. The Egyptian people viewed him as a good, protective deity. Anubis was portrayed with the color black, symbolizing regeneration and the Nile river's fertile soil.
How was Anubis important to mummification? ›
Anubis functioned as divine embalmer, and the priests who supervised the mummification of the dead would wear masks of Anubis to stand in for the god. This divine impersonation extended to the funeral for the dead, where Anubis (in the form of a disguised priest) would present the mummy for essential ceremonies.
Who killed Anubis? ›
When he attacked Earth with his fleet, Anubis was apparently destroyed by the Ancient super-weapon that SG-1 found in the Atlantus outpost buried under the ice of Antarctica. Anubis was presumed dead, but his formless essence survived the explosion of his mothership.
Is Anubis a guy or a girl? ›
In the Middle Kingdom, Anubis was often portrayed as a man with the head of a jackal. The African jackal was the species depicted and the template of numerous Ancient Egyptian deities, including Anubis. An extremely rare depiction of him in fully human form was found in a chapel of Ramesses II in Abydos.
Who is Anubis' wife? ›
Anubis' wife is the goddess Anput. Anubis's daughter is the goddess Kebechet. Usually, Anubis is portrayed as the son of Nephthys and Set, Osiris' brother and the god of the desert and darkness. One myth says that Nephthys got Osiris drunk and the resultant seduction brought forth Anubis.
What are 5 facts about Anubis? ›
And for more ancient Egypt, check out these cool mummy facts!
- Anubis is an ancient Egyptian god. ...
- Anubis was the god of the dead. ...
- He wasn't originally called Anubis. ...
- He's a bit weird looking. ...
- He had a big family. ...
- There's a crossover Anubis god. ...
- He liked to weigh your heart. ...
- There are a few myths about Anubis.
Why is Anubis black? ›
From the jackal's head or complete form, protecting from the desecration of the dead, to the black color of the jackal, representing both death and the rebirth seen in the fertile black soil of the Nile valley, everything about Anubis attests to his relationship with death.
Symbols Associated with Anubis
Anubis is often depicted with the head of a jackal, an animal associated with cemeteries and death. The ancient Egyptians observed jackals prowling around graves, which likely inspired this connection.
Did Anubis love anyone? ›
The second and more popular version of their relationship has Bastet as the consort, or lover, of Anubis. This association can be traced back to when Bastet became synonymous with the jars used to store perfume by the ancient Egyptians, leading her to be given the pretty new title of 'perfumed protector.
Is Anubis still worshipped today? ›
As time passed, Anubis lost his popularity as other gods came into existence. However, there are still people around who appreciate and respect his powers. Anubis is a well-known deity in the New Age religion. But, unlike other gods, he sometimes guides people in their day-to-day life.
Did Anubis create embalming? ›
He was associated with the funerary cult and the care of the dead, and his later role was as the “conductor of souls.” He was also reputed to be the inventor of embalming, an art he first employed on the corpse of Osiris.
Why is Anubis special? ›
Anubis ( a Greek designation) was the guardian of the Afterlife in Egyptian spiritual mythology…. also responsible for the art of mummification. Originally thought to have the head of a Jackal. It is now indicated by scientific evidence that his head actually represented wild dogs to be found in the Egyptian desert.
How powerful is Anubis? ›
As the son of Set and Nephthys, Anubis is presumably a powerful god. He possess all the standard powers and abilities of a deity, as well as many additional powers of his own. Afterlife Lordship: The power to rule over the afterlife. Underworld Manipulation: The power to manipulate the underworld.
What was Anubis god of? ›
Anubis, ancient Egyptian god of funerary practices and care of the dead, represented by a jackal or the figure of a man with the head of a jackal. In the Early Dynastic period and the Old Kingdom, he enjoyed a preeminent (though not exclusive) position as lord of the dead, but he was later overshadowed by Osiris.
Who is the Egyptian god of the dead? ›
Osiris, one of Egypt's most important deities, was god of the underworld. He also symbolized death, resurrection, and the cycle of Nile floods that Egypt relied on for agricultural fertility. According to the myth, Osiris was a king of Egypt who was murdered and dismembered by his brother Seth.
Is Anubis the Egyptian Grim Reaper? ›
Anubis, Grim Reaper, Angel of Death and also called by many more names; are all the same because he can transform into many “forms”. The Grim Reaper can take any soul (death) at any time he wish for no reasons or reasons known only to himself.